The Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT) is a pan-European company serving the automotive industry, jointly owned by the VDA, VDIK, and ZDK. Established in 1931, DAT specializes in collecting and processing data from OEMs and developing a management tool for repair estimates and used vehicle valuation.
Our multi-brand, multilingual calculation software is designed for a wide range of vehicles, facilitating network building, steering, and authorization of business workflows for repair orders, claims, maintenance, and fleet management. The platform also offers configurable user interfaces, templates, and business intelligence, enabling seamless communication between insurance providers and their customers.
Additionally, our AI Live Response feature ensures image quality control and documents the claim process, providing the first calculation for insurance. DAT’s extensive focus on automotive market research and documentation of technical vehicle data for all brands ensures comprehensive information on the entire vehicle life cycle.